New Apex Zero hip hop album reviewed by UKHH & album launch party 7th December in London


Having already performed an exclusive freestyle video for leading British online hip hop site UKHH.COM some weeks ago, their contributor Ethan Everton has also now reviewed the album Reality Provoking Liberation which released on 28th October.

The article is yet another endorsement among many publications who have covered the release in the past couple of months, opening “Potentially the rawest truths that you’ll hear on record for the remainder of the year, the philosophies behind the wordplay in Apex Zero’s almost entirely self-produced début album Reality Provoking Liberation is if anything a reflective experience for any listener.

It is in fact a very in depth appraisal of the album, delving into the finer points of the tracks and is summarized “As stated at the beginning, this is more than an just album to muse too. It’s intention is to bring about a new mentally aware consciousness that’s being prohibited in ways unimaginable.

Read the whole feature HERE

This latest coverage comes at the beginning of the week which finally leads up to the long awaited album launch party event. It takes place this Saturday, 7th December, from 8pm – 1am upstairs at The Vibe Bar, 91 Brick Lane, Shoreditch, London E1 6QL.

Apex has been busy in recent weeks fine tuning his set which will be performed with a live band. Also performing on the night will be Caxton Press & Triple Darkness member Iron Braydz. Itch FM’s DJ A. Gee will be on the 1’s & 2’s with Peaches the regular Hoochinoo host. Entry is £5.00 on the door with the nearest tube station being Aldgate East, around a 5 minute walk from the venue. It’s advised to bring photographic I.D. for the event in line with most venues’ entrance policy.

It’s sure to be one of the London’s hip hop events of the month, so definitely not one to miss for all hip hop heads in the area

Also look out for the release this week of a brand new track “Transcendental Emcee”, not on the album but especially recorded to mark the event.

Meantime, check out the video of his freestyle which was featured on UKHH.Com earlier in the autumn

Any further media enquiries about the album or the launch event can be addressed to UrbanElite PR HERE

The album can be bought in digital and CD formats direct from and you can also reach Apex on twitter @ApexZero00 or the site @UKHHcom

UrbanElite PR
T : @urbanelitepr

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